Ranya Ezzi Short Track Speedskater

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Traning is going good!

Hi Everyone,

I have now ended my first part of the new season.
The first weeks was to finally adapt the last part of the calf problems. Now after I have changed alot in my training and started a new ground for the season. It feels much easier to start the next part of my season.
I am on  ice and off training is going well. I have even changed my running technique, that makes it better when I run so my muscles feels good and I have a better "run feeling".

It was worried when I was injured, because I have dreamed when I was injured, how it would feel to skate smooth, with no pain. I still have alot to get right though.
Looking back on the last season I have skated good enough without the technique or strength in my muscles, that I know I can have. It feels ok:) That is a nice positiv thought:)!

I want to thank everyone that has been supporting me thoguht the good and really bad times of my journey towards the Olmypics! Now it is time to just still fokus on the Olympics and make it as good as possible!


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