Ranya Ezzi Short Track Speedskater

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

European Championship 2013 Malmö, Sweden!

Hi everyone,

I found my semifinal 1500m from Montreal on youtube, you can click on the link below:


I was in Bormio, Italy on competition and got the a cold. I have been in bed for a week and cant wait to train more.. :)

European Championship 2013 will be held in Malmö Sweden my hometown, the 3:rd week of January. below is the logo.

To get more information go on www.shorttrack2013.eu

Today I learned a new way how to walk and run for trianing and for everyday activity.
Thanks to a physio that works at a store called Fotkultur. It was an interesting way to try barefoot shoes.The main thing was to fokus on the bodys posture and feeling towards the ground. The shoes comes second.

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